Sunday, 2 September 2012

UK, Nov-Dec 1973

"Hornsey Lane.  Taken from Sue's Flat.  a typical row of flats (one of the
nicer areas)".  Nov 73.

"Constable's Mill.  Happy winter's group outside the famous mill.
The alien is the friend of the photographer we railroaded." Nov 73.
'Alien', Teik, Sue, Jenny, Oz, Sal, Forse.
Oz, Jen, Sal, Forse, Padg

"Shotley Gate. Blackberry picking in Ipswich with
the Thames estuary in the background." Nov 73.
Padge, Jenny, Sal, Oz

"Smiling for the camera. December 73, London."

"Carving the Xmas turkey @ 73 Hornsey Lane.
Xmas 73. London."

"Xmas dinner. Xmas 73.  London."
Check out the amount of Purple.  I loved that jumper...