Sunday, 2 September 2012

My what a surprise!

Hi Sal,

I posted a bunch of photos and was going to send you an email about the changes to the look of the blog and explain about the photos, etc, then headed off to the pool.

I just returned to find that you've sussed so much and made a new post! Well done!

Let me explain a few changes:

First: I have changed the security settings so that "Anyone" can look at it.  That's just to save time for you and me to log in.  But if you prefer, I can set it back to only you and me being able to see it -- in which case we have to log in each time.  Over to you on that.

I would prefer a private setting so only you and me can read it.  Then I can say what comes to mind - assuming absolute honesty and frankness is ok with you?
PF adds (14 Sep): the settings are changed back to only you and me can look at it.  

Second: I have added a photo as a header instead of the title: a cropped one of you and me in Milan 1974.  I think it's rather nice and a rather nice header.  Agree?

Great choice.

Third: I have changed the Layout of the Blog and added to the right hand side three things: (i) Sign up (ii) Archive and (iii) Labels.

The "Follow by Email" you've already used, so now you'll get a notification if I post something.  You'll get nothing if I don't post.  Same for me, I've also signed up.

Not sure if what i have been getting via email - ie comments on photos - are in the blog and am getting an email notification also? No - just checked and think not - I will answer the emails but maybe best to stick with blog now for conversation and we can edit what we want out of it later?

PF adds (14 Sep): you only get notification of NEW posts.  Changes such as this that are made won't give a notification.  That makes sense, when you think of it, or otherwise you end up getting too many notifications.  So... if you change a post, you should let me know; ditto me.  If you POST something as a new post, then we'll both get a notification.
BTW: if you want, you can make comment of a Post in the Comments: that's at the bottom of the Post.   And then you and I will be notified of that Comment.

The "Blog Archive".  This just gives month by month, day by day, listing of all our posts, with the latest on top.  This is useful to have a quick look at what we've done, pretty self-explanatory.

Excellent, but can you sort it so it lists in consecutive years, not when the post was added?

PF adds (14 Sep): the sorting is done by the LABELS.  See them on the right. They automatically sort in order, numbers first (ie, all the years), the alphabetically.  You only need to click on one of the Labels, and it lists all the Posts with that Label. BTW: that's why it's important to give a Title to your post, and also to Label it.

The "Labels" are under the Blog Archive. This is a key feature.  What it does is keep a record of all the posts on a particular subject or date.  You'll see them at the bottom of each post and then the number under a particular item on the right hand side.  This is very useful when you (we?) come to putting all this together into a published format, because you can click, for example "1972" and see all the Posts with that date, or "Elder St", etc... Give it a go and see. It's incredibly useful.

Agree. I envisage it will be a combined effort to edit the end result, when I/we decide what the end result will be and who is going to access it

What you have to do when you are doing a new post is remember to click on Labels on the right hand side of the Post (top right under "post settings"), then click on one of the Labels already there (or add a new label if you think it's needed).  If you don't want to do that, no worries, I'll add it later, as I've added to your post just before this one.
Eg, you should always click "Sal" cause it's yours, then click another one, eg a date, or a place.  Have a look at some of my earlier posts and see what I've labelled what. You can click on any number, no matter. If your post is nearly all of photos, then click on "Photos".  Otherwise, as I say, don't worry, I'll change/add, if I think it's needed.

Think I've go that sussed.

For this one, I've added a Label: "Admin", which is anything about using the blog and what to do about this or that...

Finally: you are a wonder!  When I went back to my old photos I found almost all labelled on the back by you, place, date, etc.  Wonderful!  I've added them in captions to photos, in "quotes".  Those are your captions on the originals.

BTW: there's no real need for you to use a different colour for your Posts.  Only for any comments you make within a Post, as that makes it easier to see.  But if you want to continue with Fuschia in your Posts, that's fine by me!!

Can i default fuchia when i am commenting inside one of your posts like this, so I don't have to hi-light every time i add?

PF adds (14 Sep): no, you have to highlight each time. The default is Times/Black.  If you want a different colour, like this RED, you have to hi-light each time...

Forgot: I also added "Pages": this is at the top of the post, just under our header picture.  What I've added is "Time Line", so that this is always there and can be amended and updated as we work out what we did when.  Have a look.  I've already added some dates, and as I add photos, with places and dates I'll update the "Time Line" page, from time to time.

OK - pls feel free to be admin person - not my strong suit.


1 comment:

  1. Posting a comment here just to see if it works, in terms of Notification of you and me....


Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.