Saturday, 8 September 2012

Faces, 1974-ish

I'm not sure why I've got these little passport photos together on one page in my photo album. I think they're around '74, but can't swear to that. Anyway, I took a scan of the four together and they seem to kind of work.....

UK, December 1974

"Ray Pollard and me. London, Dec 74"
Same person as in previous post has added to back of this photo: "Ray and his girl are coming home in the car with Sal and Pete -- they live in the ACT".  Who?
"Dick and Ace @ Ellis's in South London.  London, Dec 74"
Where is Dick these days?  If you Google "Richard Ellis" you get the property people...
"Robyn Ellis @ Ellis's in South London. London, Dec 74"

"Ray and Padge. London, Dec 74"

"Steve -- English friend, Mark, Ian - lives with Steve of John and Ian fame;
Me -- note long hair. London, Dec 74"

"Ace and me. London, Dec 74".

Someone else has written on the back of the photo above: "'Ace' is Air Marshall Reid's son was Chief of the Air Staff -- a friend of Sally's from way back. They live in Canberra"

"Ray and Peter in kitchen @ Addisson Gdns.
London Dec 74"
I presume Addisson Gdns is Mark's place?  Above, rolling a joint....

Friday, 7 September 2012

UK, July-November 1974

"John, Ian and Jill in our room in Acton. London, July 74"

"Mark's flat. Dick in the corner. London, UK, Nov 74"
Sal: what you haven't mentioned in the above photo and the three below, is that we were having an acid trip.  Padge was "looking after" us.  Still... she let us try to climb up the wall outside, when we came back from a little walk and found that we'd forgotten our key.  Padge?... Padge?.....
"Mark and Jill.  Note lovely copper fireplace in the flat.  London, Nov 74"

PF: and.. note Mark's mad eyes, as he has an acid attack....

"Jill and me.  London, Nov 74".
PF: Someone else has added to the back of the photo: "Jill and Mark recently got married in Melbourne -- he is a SA doctor -- she was a swell girl".  Who wrote that?  A yank, by the sound of "swell"....

"Vicky chopped off in the corner.  Mark's flat.  London, Nov 74"
This was the same acid trip day as above and there's Padge supposed to be looking after us.....

xx, Ace, Dick Ellis, xx.  (labelled Dec 74)

Thursday, 6 September 2012

UK, August 74. Biking round the UK

"Outside Salisbury Cathedral. UK, Aug 74"

"Beer garden, Mark [Awerbuch], Rob and Peter. The Cotswalds, Aug 74"
Mark, Rob, Sal, picnic in Cotswalds, Aug 74

Chillin' in the Cots.... Aug 74

One of the classic Cotswalds signs
And somewhere in the UK, 1974

"Upper Slaughter.  The villages were so neat and clean with flowers
everywhere.  The Cotswalds, Aug 74"
We went back there with John and Jing in September 2010 and it's just the same..... John doesn't find that consistency beautiful just "boring".
"The North Coast of Exmoor. England, Aug 74"
Sal: I love the above photo.  You at the head of the bike.  Beauty on West Coast....
All the stuff on the bike: the tent in plastic bag, the collapsable water bottle. The removable panniers that I'd got as a special order. The crash bars (special, again). The Tank Bag, with its plastic pouch for the map, the GPS of those days.... Even the "AUS" sticker, which I'd forgotten about; we must've been proud Aussies....
Same as above, near Auntie Sadie, Sal's great Aunt

Taken by aforementioned Autie Sadie, I presume
Sal, Forse, Oz, Jen.  Aug 1974

Pop concert somewhere.  Note seat cover

Forse, Jen at same "Pop concert, somewhere"
Forse, Oz, Sal, Jen. Biking Aug 74

"This bike was a 1905 Triumph which still
worked.  The man who owned it let us have
a ride.  Isle of Wight. Aug 74"
 Sal: again, I'm filled with admiration that you labelled all these photos!  Otherwise, how do we remember that it was a Triumph?  That's Oz riding the bike. I remember it. But I wouldn't have remembered that it was a 1905 Triumph...
"These houses are all over England - and are protected by the
National Trust now.  Outside Oxford. Aug 74"

Monday, 3 September 2012

Yugoslavia July 1974

"Martinscica on Cres, taken from the boat coming into
port. Yugoslavia, July 74"

"Alfredo and Kika. Yugoslavia, July 74"

Kika, Sal and Mirna in the kitchen of our little holiday house

"2 of the 8 huge crabs we caught, still wriggling
& doomed for the pot. Yugoslavia, July 74"
Alfredo and the day's catch

"Each of us had a huge fresly cooked crab to dissect.  Yum.
Yugoslavia, July 74"
Sal: any idea of names, other than Alfredo (next to you) and Kika (opposite him)?
Forse, Kika, Sal

Italy, Courmayeur, July 1974

"The ice is the tongue of the glacier in the Alps -
ending in a freezing lake. Italy, July 74"

"The chalet we stayed at in the Italian Alps above
Courmayeur.  Italy, July 74"

"After about an hour's walking & still not much further
down.  Alpine flowers covered the slopes. Italy, Jul 74"

"Ol' Omar Sheriff on Monte Bianco. Italy, July 74"

"Walking down the mountain from Monte Bianco
into the wind.  Ol' Elvis.  Italy July 74"

No caption from you, Sal. This is you, climbing up the back of
Courmayeur, Italy, 1974

Alfredo and Sal, climbing in Courmayeur

"So many rich green colours and flowers and icy clear water,
Italy, July 74".

Pensive in the mountains
Not pensive in the moutains

"Beautiful stone house we came across, all
shut up and deserted".

Sal at top of mountain near Cortina (Dolomites)

Alfredo and Kika in the Dolomite